
For manufacturers with a large number of machine tools, centralized coolant filtration system has the advantages of unified management of the coolant, but the service life of the coolant is seriously affected due to problems such as internal management, temperature control, cutting chips and foreign oil pollution. It is crucial to monitor the coolant status (concentration, temperature, pH value, conductivity, etc.) in real time and replenish fresh coolant (cooling oil and water) in a timely manner.

Choosing and configuring a suitable coolant flow control unit can solve the above problems well, improve the equipment and coolant management and reduce operating costs. The flow control unit usually has the following characteristics and performance:

Measurement parameters and range
- Concentration 0 – 20%
- pH 0 – 14
- Conductivity 0 – 5000 μs
- Temperature 10 – 40 ° C
Calibration accuracy
- Concentration ± 0.15 Brix
- pH value ± 2.5% (full range)
- Conductivity ± 1.5% (full range)
- Temperature ± 1% (full range)
Data interface
Ethernet: TCP / IP, Modulbus TCP
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